Federal Funding for Experimental Development in FY 2021 Was Concentrated in Engineering and Life Sciences

Christopher V. Pece

NSF 24-314


January 16, 2024

Federal obligations for basic research, applied research, and experimental development, by broad field of R&D: FY 2021
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Federal obligations for basic research, applied research, and experimental development, by broad field of R&D: FY 2021

(Billions of dollars)
Field Basic research Applied research Experimental development
Computer and information sciences 2.264 3.086 3.175
Geosciences, atmospheric sciences, and ocean sciences 1.772 1.797 2.055
Life sciences 19.008 19.169 39.394
Mathematics and statistics 0.503 0.212 0.292
Physical sciences 6.432 1.612 2.122
Psychology 1.934 1.836 0.364
Social sciences 0.537 0.832 0.139
Engineering 3.151 10.223 43.218
Other fields 6.892 4.982 13.149

Because of rounding, detail may not add to total. FY 2021 obligations include additional funding provided by supplemental COVID-19 pandemic-related appropriations (e.g., Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security [CARES] Act). As of volume 71 (FYs 2021–22), the fields of R&D (formerly, “fields of science and engineering”) were revised for consistency with other National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics surveys; some fields were added, merged, or split, and some fields were renamed. Therefore, the data are not directly comparable with totals reported in previous years.


National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Survey of Federal Funds for Research and Development, FYs 2021–22.

In FY 2021, federal obligations for experimental development totaled $103.9 billion. Newly collected data from federal agencies on experimental development by field of research and development (R&D) show that 42% ($43.2 billion) was directed toward engineering and 38% ($39.4 billion) was directed toward life sciences. Prior to FY 2021, the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D had provided data by field of R&D for basic research and applied research only. Experimental development is defined as creative and systematic work, drawing on knowledge gained from research and practical experience and producing additional knowledge, which is directed at producing new products or processes or improving existing products or processes. Like research, experimental development results in the production of new knowledge. Previous analysis has shown that funds related to the COVID-19 pandemic accounted for $34.8 billion in obligations for experimental development in FY 2021 (see NSF 23-352). These and additional details are included in the full set of latest data tables from the Survey of Federal Funds for R&D.

Suggested Citation: Pece CV; National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES). 2024. Federal Funding for Experimental Development in FY 2021 Was Concentrated in Engineering and Life Sciences. NSF 24-314. Alexandria, VA: National Science Foundation. Available at https://ncses.nsf.gov/pubs/nsf24314.

NSF 24-314


January 16, 2024

Christopher V. Pece

NSF 24-314


January 16, 2024

About the Survey